Friday, May 3, 2013

long long time ago...

So a long, long time ago I decided to start a blog.  I promised myself to update it regularly with new posts of allergy free food that I have cooked or want to cook.  Epic fail on my part!  Many things have changed since November 2012.  I've been in a relationship with the most wonderful girl, I have taken 3 classes + working full time this semester and have kept my sanity!!  I haven't done much cooking or baking which is very disappointing...however sometimes life gets in the way.  Shortly I will post some of the pics of the food that my gf and I have made together!  (I know what you are's so stinking cute or it's completely disgusting!)  :)

My goals for this Spring and Summer are to take my last graduate course (finance) at Kent State University and graduate with my MBA!  Also I want to get back to the gym on a regular basis or at least go hiking a couple times a week or even bike riding.  I joined a new gym last November and I have not been going like I want too...don't worry Planet Fitness I will make it up to you!   I plan to also do some gardening to grow my own organic food.  I'm even considering buying a juicer this summer to get the most out of my fruits and veggies!

Anyways...more to come soon...stay tuned!  :)